Hello and welcome to my expanding webpage!
Hey there. I realize that I've litterally dropped off the face of the internet world. Well, I'd like to announce to anyone with enough time to read this that I'm back -- kinda. Just to keep this site going since I put so much time into it in the first place. There, I'm done talking now. Go on ahead now, you have my permission. Go forth and discover the multitude of stupid things I've collected on the internet. Thats right! Know that I count this site as one of my life's greatest accomplishments!
Actually, That was a lie. I don't count this site as one of my life's greatest accomplishments. I just wanted to make you feel better! Heehee..
For those of you who don't have time to wait for graphics to load you can click here. This is like a "map" of my site without images, a brief description of each page is beside each link.
Click here if you wanna see Liza dance!
Who's the rogue of rogues? Let me know, answer my poll! This is for posterity folks ;) I just recently updated the pole! Have a look!!
Click here for info, latest poll results and who you can vote for! :)
Find out stuff about my school and what it is I do, exactly. ~*~
Upcoming Exciting Latest Movie News!
My U2 Page!
British Sitcoms Section!
Nigel's Californian Adventure!
The Walmart Experience
Since the first of November, 1999, this many people have come by, laughed, pointed and left. Hmn.. ;)
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This site is 100% Canadian made -- but I can't say much for the content.
Last Updated: April 3RD, 2002